One of the upsides of LMS is combining many features as communicating with students and conveying information. One of the most important features is building courses which contain the material which is needed to be delivered to the student, contacting them and monitoring their understanding of the educational content through exams that are the most important basis in the educational process.
The more and various the tools are, the more your ability to create and innovate increases. LMS enables you to combine between texts and pictures in your exams. You can also use voice and videos to reply to students and their questions, clear up important points or a specific point.
You can send files to students and make tests to assess performance which is based on scientific method as well as assessments and exercises which increase interaction between the teacher and the student. It also makes them accustomed to exams and increases their self-confidence which provides the teacher with a chance to monitor their students’ levels and encourage them to innovate and compete.
There are some tools which help teachers to create examination atmosphere that puts the student under the pressure of exams. The teacher can specify the duration and time of the exam. Teacher can limit when the model answer should be appeared. They can also limit the video views number to guarantee the students’ interaction and care for the scientific material.
As any other application or website, online learning should give the chance for any instructor to assess his students and their efforts. This can be achieved through building a customized online learning system and that what LMS can provide you with.
It is known that any learning process can’t be accomplished without complete interaction between the teacher and the student and achieving maximum benefit of all skills and available facilities. This should include students’ assessment, studying their progress, their strengths and weaknesses. It can analyze their performance, answers, interaction and response. This should reflect on the teacher’s technique to communicate his information not only throughout the year but through each lesson as well. It should also assess the desired results to make sure that the learning process is interactive and developed.
It’s crucial to mention that there are two types of assessment: quantitative evaluation, depending on how much is introduced to the student and qualitative evaluation which cares about content and particular technique. Online learning platforms are considered one of the most important methods which combine the two ways of assessment and it is more adaptive to all conditions. That’s because it has many tools which are available and can help you innovate, create and differ.
To talk about LMS platforms, they combine traditional techniques, modern techniques and innovative ways. They have a lot of merits which save time, effort and money. For example, you can collect, monitor and follow students’ grades easily in all courses, classes and after every exam automatically and not manually. You can also each student’s level and their progress either throughout the whole course or each lesson.
The developed LMS system provides a very essential feature which is monitoring students and their achievements of the required tasks through your educational plan. This reflects on your follow up to their strengths and weaknesses, analyzing their skills and concentrating on specific points, based on the results and statistics which you get. For example, you can recognize the duration which the student has to complete his test and accomplish his tasks and follow his grades and tasks on one screen.
The success of any member or any institution depends mainly on the skills, accurate and correct information which they have. That is provided by your LMS as it collects data, exact and correct surveys in a scientific approved theoretical way which enables you to take a scientific and correct decision, so your ability to predict, modify and continuously develop will make you in the lead. The more modern, precise and accurate your data are, the more noticeable and distinguished your development is. It gives you many pros which aren’t owned by anyone except you. You can make time adjustment in a scientific strategic accurate way which let you avoid possible mistakes and that makes you first in your field.
It is worth noting that all the students’ answers, the data of your development plan, your future vision statistics usage and information are all kept in one place, on one platform without using any other application to save your time and effort. It is one complete integrated platform.
The purpose of any specialized learning system is facilitating the educational process for the student. Communication is one of the ways which enables teachers or assistants to be in contact with students through a live chat or mutual conversation. Students can get answers to their questions or ask questions. They are able to know why the teacher chooses a specific answer for a question.
More than 20% of the information and experience we learn come from others which reflects the importance of communication.
Social learning and communication are one of the ways of learning new skills through observation and mutual interaction with others. That happens through a casual training framework which is based on information and experience exchange and sharing it.
The experience which we acquire in our everyday life happens without full awareness from us. We obtain it through social daily interactions within communication with others. Here, the brain begins to concentrate and learn from their experiences, evaluating, comparing them
When you create a learning management system, make sure it is accessible on all kinds of devices. The goal is to provide access to an LMS throughout the day. Since most people use their mobile devices more often than computers, having an LMS that works on mobile devices is a must. Mobile version also gives them the flexibility to take courses when it is most comfortable for them.
The entire eLearning world is talking about mobile learning. Mobile learning has created a storm in corporate training because of the benefits it provides the entire L&D world.
Mobile learning refers to the training provided through different handheld devices. And, there are a lot of handheld devices today – smartphones, tablets, eBook readers, smartwatches.
Because ‘going mobile’ is the 21st century way, mobile learning materials are multi-device compatible. Hence it is only logical that the LMS should also be mobile-compatible. Here’s how a mobile-compatible LMS can support mobile learning.
Mobile LMSs can be installed on both mobiles and tablets and can manage eLearning courses on both, choosing to go with whatever the learner prefers. Mobile LMSs can adjust to screen resolution, size, and orientation automatically, making mobile learning a feasible option for learners.
They also support the HTML5 framework. That means eLearning modules built with new-age rapid authoring tools will work seamlessly across both mobiles and tablets.
Like most software applications, an LMS should provide real-time updates on its programs, particular lessons or even exams. Students would receive notifications.
Admins can now make use of Custom Push Notifications to send instant messages to individual learners and targeted groups of learners. This LMS notifications functionality enhances the administration of courses by allowing admins to do everything from chasing up tardy learners to informing them of new courses and new prizes.
These LMS notifications mean that all learners can instantly see any updates without having to be informed by third party media (such as email) which they would be much more likely to miss. The notifications appear directly on users’ own smartphone notification screens so they will be unlikely to miss them.
The security of your LMS should not be overlooked. It’s important to make sure that only credited persons can edit or remove courses from your learning portal. Security also prevents you from losing business data and exposing the private information of students..
Artificial intelligence provides myriad benefits to the vast majority of learning management systems by facilitating a forward-thinking approach to the team member learning experience.
AI powered LMS’s work to streamline the way information is fed to learners, promoting personalized corporate learning in the most seamless way possible. AI LMS’ allow learning and development managers to identify areas of knowledge that need to be consolidated, enabling the emphasis and optimization of essential information. AI also provides accurate recommendations on how best to present and curate information aligned with the needs and preferences of specific users.